translated from Spanish: Heraldo Muñoz after approval of the Tax Reform: “It’s a terrible sign from DC”

PPD president Heraldo Muñoz and his PR pair, Carlos Maldonado, questioned the Christian Democracy’s support for tax reform that allowed its approval. Heraldo Muñoz said it is a “terrible sign that the DC has given in favor of the withdrawal of profits and against direct taxes to the richest 1% in the country. Inequality will deepen, as the DC vote will not help reinvestment, but to withdraw profits by the country’s wealthiest shareholders.” we cannot responsibly aspire to more social rights with less direct taxes. This is a serious impact on a possible future understanding with DC,” the former chancellor added. Maldonado said, “unfortunate of DC’s support for tax reintegration in the House. Let us hope that the situation will change in the Senate, for a more progressive tax system and a better distribution of wealth are central objectives for the centre-left. You can’t give in to that without straying from the values that inspire us.” The former Justice Minister ruled that “in terms of meetings with the DC, I believe that, at least at this time, there are not the political conditions necessary to build something together, something that has content and coherence, beyond the purely electoral that, without content, it wouldn’t work either.”

Original source in Spanish


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