translated from Spanish: They arrested a former official and prosecutor from Change for breaking the telegram

13 days after the closing of the PASO, where the list of Frente de Todos composed by Alberto Fernández and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner was imposed strongly throughout the country, transcended the news of an unusual and controversial situation on one of the tables of the prov Buenos Aires, more precisely in the west of the conurbano. The incident starred Luis María Blaquier, prosecutor of Juntos por la Cambio and former ANSES official in the management of Mauricio Macri, who after the defeat, destroyed the official telegram of scrutiny, which belongs to the Argentine Mail, and was arrested by the Police.

Prosecutor Blaquier recognized the telegram break at his desk. Photo: NA

As the official record reports, he was enraged by the heavy defeat of the list by the officialism at that table, ripped the paper out of the hands of table president 238 of High School No. 1 and broke it to pieces. In José C. Paz, Mauricio Macri won 17.56% of the vote against 64.63% achieved by Alberto Fernández, the candidate of the Frente de Todos. At table 238 that blaquier audited the difference was overwhelming: Fernández surpassed by 117 votes the president of the nation. After being a few hours late, the relative of those responsible for the ledesma sugar company was released but the cause that was opened continues in the electoral court of La Plata in charge of Adolfo Ziulu, which endorsed the existence of an “infringement of the electoral code “.

Original source in Spanish


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