translated from Spanish: Adal Ramones and his wife Karla travel the world

Adal Ramones and his wife Karla de la Mora travel together in different parts of the world, including Turkey and Greece. The couple make their second honeymoon and through their respective social networks share images of this unforgettable adventure. Adal Ramones and Karla de la Mora look very much in love and with this trip celebrate for two years of marriage. They both travel alone. His young son Cristóbal, who was born last April, was dropped off in Mexico City.

According to Instagram, Adal Ramones and Karla began this great tour in Istanbul, and were happy with life enjoying the scenarios offered by Turkey. Then they continued through Greece.Karla quotes that this trip has helped her and Adal recharge energy and good vibes to go ahead with their personal and professional projects.

Adal, who is also an actor, thanks life for how happy he is and the job opportunities he provides, assimism, for having Karla, a great human being, as his wife.
Thank God for so many wonderful things he’s made me know, try and enjoy since I was traveling with backpack on my back and twenty weights in the bag,” he wrote

Adal Ramones brings out his romanticism and dedicates a few loving words to Karla.
From all the places I’ve seen in my life, I choose to stay inside your brown eyes… I love you Girl of mine.”

Adal and Karla married in August 2017 in a ceremony held at the Africam Safari botanical garden in Puebla, Mexico. The place has a maximum quota for 150 people

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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