translated from Spanish: Lacunza provided details on its meeting with IMF mission

This Saturday, August 24, after meeting with a delegation from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the appointed Finance Minister Hernán Lacunza participated in the program led by Mirtha Legrand and revealed details of the meeting.” We spent the whole afternoon working with (Roberto) Cardarelli, head of the mission, and Alejandro Werner,” she said at the presenter’s question. He continued: “We did well, it was the first meeting. They’re going to be working in Buenos Aires for three or four days and today we did the first exchange of ideas.”

In addition, it confirmed that “there is an expected disbursement of $5,400 for next month” and, because “Argentina has complied with all its agreements and commitments there is no reason for (the disbursement) not to happen”.
“The idea is that we can overcome this critical moment”

On the other hand, he referred to the moment when he was offered to replace Nicolas Dujovne: “I accepted immediately. I was called by the governor (Maria Eugenia Vidal) and told me that she had been talking to the President; immediately I said yes. Right there it happened to me with him who invited me to be part of his Cabinet.”

Among Mauricio Macri’s requests, Lacunza listed “taking care of Argentines” and giving “a relief to the pockets of Argentines as much as possible”. Other phrases from the national official highlighted by Legrand’s production were: “What takes my sleep away the most is the consequence of inflation, which is poverty. It solves by creating jobs”
“The fictitious rates were part of the inheritance we received”
In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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