translated from Spanish: Case Passports: Court of Appeals overturned precautionary measure and left five people in pretrial detention

The Court of Appeals of Santiago left five persons in pre-trial detention in charge of the Passports case, after revoking the injunction. 
On 22 August last, 10 people were formalised, nine of whom were remanded in custody. Six days earlier, on 16 August, five people had been formalised and two were cautious, but were released after a bond of 10 million pesos.
The Prosecutor’s Office then presented its arguments to the plenary of the court which established that the five defendants of 16 August were remanded in custody.
In this regard, the chief prosecutor of Pudahuel, Eduardo Baeza, commented that “the decision of the Court of Appeals of Santiago is relevant to the Prosecutor’s Office since when those five defendants were formalized at the hearing on 16 August last year, the court did not decreed pre-trial detention directly in respect of three and in respect of two it was decreed only for danger of escape and granting a security (bond) immediately”.
“Therefore, all the accused were released. The Court of Appeal agrees with the Public Prosecutor’s Office that in respect of all the accused, their freedom constitutes a danger to the security of society, in addition to the aggravating of the investigation and a danger of escape,” he supplemented.
Among those indicted are one Civil Registry official, two impersonators who tried to leave the country with false documents, and two who lent their data to produce the documents.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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