translated from Spanish: Formal prison to police for murder in Apatzingán case

Mexico City.- A federal judge issued a formal order in prison to six Federal Police officers (PF) for the events that occurred on January 6, 2015 in Apatzingán, Michoacán, in which at least nine people died. The Eighth District of Federal Criminal Proceedings in Michoacán, based in Uruapan, prosecuted all those indicted for the crime of murder and four of them also for manslaughter. Because homicide is a crime contemplating informal pre-trial detention, the six agents will remain interned at the Federal Center for Social Rehabilitation (Cefereso) 12, located in the Municipality of Ocampo, Guanajuato.HELP US Click on the star of Social Rehabilitation (Cefereso) 12, located in the Municipality of Ocampo, Guanajuato.HELPUS Click the star of Google News and Follow UsWednesday of last week, the Federal Ministerial Police (PFM) of the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) arrested agents Israel “S” and Antonio “S” in the Coyoacan Mayor’s Office; in the Miguel Hidalgo a Heriberto “C” and Jorge “C, and in Azcapotzalco to Rodrigo “G” and Juan “G”. The arrest warrants were executed in PF facilities, to which they were cited.” These commandments were completed by elements of the PFM, in coordination with the Federal Police itself, who at all times collaborated and provided the federal social representative with the conditions for such elements to be apprehended in their facilities,” the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic said.The murders that they were charged with occurred during an operation of the Federal Police to recover the Municipal Palace, which “Los Viagras” had taken since December 21, 2014.In that At the moment, the federal government reported at least nine dead, all civilians, two federal police officers injured and 44 detainees, 43 of which were released within days, when their legal status was determined. The then Federal Commissioner for Michoacán, Alfredo Castillo, said the deaths were the result of an ambush of the Federal Police and not an execution of civilians. The version he offered a day after the events was that during the eviction of the Municipal Palace a civilian was hit and that, in a subsequent shootout, occurring when the PF was moving several insured vehicles to a corralon, there were eight more deaths. But from the outset, testimonies emerged from people who accused the officers of having executed the victims, who were unarmed.

Original source in Spanish


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