translated from Spanish: #SrAlbertoLeCuentoQue: Venezuelans responded to Alberto Fernández

Venezuelan immigrants living in Argentina responded to Alberto Fernández via Twitter with the #SrAlbertoLeCuentoQue tag. It was after the candidate of the de Todos front said in the program La Cornisa that he found it “very difficult to call the government of Nicolás Maduro as a dictatorship”. Today we are more than five million Venezuelans around the world because of a dictatorship that you support,” the doctor Yang Alvarez crossed it.

#SrAlbertoLeCuentoQue “when the people migrate the surplus rulers”, today we are more than 5 million Venezuelans worldwide because of a DICTADURA that you support! — Yang Alvarez (@ap_yang)
August 26, 2019

The journalist Gabriel Bastidas, was another of the Venezuelans who used the networks to react to the sayings of Fernández, who did speak during the interview with Luis Majul as an “authoritarian government” and stressed that the rest of the countries of the region must collaborate to Venezuela finds a solution.

#SrAlbertoLeCuentoQue Nicolas Maduro was not democratically elected. Here I leave you the Resolution of the OAS 2018 General Assembly which stated that the electoral process lacked legitimacy because it did not meet international standards to consider it free, fair and transparent. — Gabriel Bastidas (@Gbastidas)
August 26, 2019

The political scientist Jesús Méndez Quijada, held:

#SrAlbertoLeCuentoQue the “assembly” that you point out as proof that in Venezuela there is no dictatorship has been emptied of powers by the dictatorship through the supreme court (the one you also take as an institution of functioning). Persecuted deputies, prisoners, in exile. — Jesus Mendez Quijada (@jmendezquijada)
August 26, 2019

So did the sociologist Emerson Cabaña, based in Buenos Aires.

#SrAlbertoLeCuentoQue there is no justice in Venezuela. The legitimate prosecutor is in exile for persecution and the judges and other officials are members of the governing party. You lie brazenly in stating that institutions work. — Emerson Cabaña (@EmersonJCS)
August 26, 2019

Several of the Venezuelans who questioned Fernandez’s stance on the situation in Venezuela cited the report presented weeks ago by the former President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, who denounced all kinds of excesses in the Caribbean country. Bachelet argued that there are “extrajudicial executions, torture and politically motivated sexual rape.” The work counted 15,000 arbitrary detentions over the past five years and also warned of the brutal crackdown by the protesting state forces, sparking about 135 deaths in 2017 and more than fifty people this year. Earlier, the Argentine chancellor, Jorge Faurie, also went out to the crossroads of Todos’s presidential candidate. “Venezuela has far surpassed the mark of an authoritarian regime to be clearly a dictatorship, where human rights violations are massive,” he said. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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