translated from Spanish: Poi stopped cellopath who beat his partner to death in El Bosque

Detectives from the Homicide Squad (BH) of the Investigation Police (PDI) arrested a subject of Argentine nationality, accused of committing the crime of homicide with a blunt element against his partner, in the commune of El Bosque. Commissioner Eliecer Rojas Cortez explained that the incident would have occurred inside an address where the victim, a Venezuelan citizen, lived with his victim. According to detail, a jealousy argument led to a fight, in which the detainee attacked his partner with a blunt weapon, repeatedly hitting him on the head. The attacker would have been annoyed by the permanent contact the deceased would have had with another person, with whom he had had a previous relationship in Argentina. The victim was transferred during the early hours of yesterday by friends and family to Barros Luco Hospital, where she died hours later. Rojas stated that there was a prior complaint of domestic violence filed with the Metropolitan Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office, but that both the aggressor and the person under attack had no police record. Finally, from the IDP they reported that steps are still being taken to clarify the case, such as finding the murder weapon, while the detainee will be brought to justice to be formalized for this crime.

Original source in Spanish


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