translated from Spanish: Banks extend opening hours in Mendoza to 15

The General Secretary of the Banking Association, Sergio Giménez, clarified that in Mendoza the measure will also govern, only that here the banks close at 13 and consequently will attend until 15.” The 17 o’clock schedule is the extension in Capital Federal because they leave at 15, here instead of closing at 13 we will close at 15, to the attention of the public. We don’t want to add more conflict to the volatile situation that is going on,” the banking leader to Diario Uno told the banks about their opening hours today. He further clarified that “the resolution of the Central via DNU – Decree of Necessity and Urgency – did not establish the extension of the timetable there should have had a legal and legal framework. The Central Bank released a statement saying that entities will be able to extend the schedule if necessary, it is not mandatory, if there is much overflow or demand. In this extension we will not oppose but we will accompany, it is not a compulsive situation.” Giménez remarked that, if there were some kind of conflict in any bank, they will not hesitate to close to protect the security of bankworkers. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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