translated from Spanish: Lula da Silva also criticized Bolsonaro for words against Bachelet

No one has left indifferent the statements of the President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, against former President Michelle Bachelet and her father, highlighting even the role that the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet had in our country. The situation generated a wave of criticism from various sectors, which required President Piñera to condemn the sayings of the Brazilian Government, which happened this afternoon, when in La Moneda he stressed that “I do not share at all the allusion made by the Brazilian President Bolsonaro regarding a former president of Chile and especially on a subject as painful as the death of her father.” From Brazil, former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva also commented on the fact, expressing her solidarity towards unwell-enforcement Commissioner Michelle Bachelet. “Bolsonaro never tire of vomiting ignorance and shaming Brazil in the face of the world. My solidarity with President Michelle Bachelet and the Chilean people, who today remembered their dead and disappeared violent by this gentleman,” he wrote on his Twitter account. It should be remembered that everything was born after Bachelet, in her role as United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, referred today in Switzerland to the situation in the Brazilian country, noting that the “democratic space is shrinking” and that “violence policing is on the rise, the dictatorship’s apologies reinforce the sense of impunity, and human rights defenders are under threat.” In the face of this, Bolsonaro accused her of “meddling in internal affairs and Brazilian sovereignty”, adding that “he says that Brazil loses democratic space, but forgets that his country is not a Cuba thanks to Pinochet’s staff, who defeated the left in 1973, among these their father’s military of the time.”

Original source in Spanish


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