translated from Spanish: 7 years ago we needed Johana Chacón

Johana Chacón was last seen on September 4, 2012 in Tres de Mayo, Lavalle. Despite the social claim, the Justice still does not give an answer on his whereabouts. Over the years, the teachers and managers of the Virgen del Rosario school, attended by the girl who was 13 at the time, were the engine for no one to forget her name or that of Soledad Olivera, another lagated woman of which nothing is known since 2011. By Law No. 8723, September 4 of each year is established as Provincial Day of the Collective Construction of Citizen Consciousness, in memory of the disappearance of Johana Chacón that occurred on the same day in 2012 in the Department of Lavalle, Mendoza.On this date activities will be carried out in all schools in the province, whether public or private management, at all modalities and levels, in order to strengthen awareness of human rights as a publicly constructed collective task, aimed at improving quality of learning for the development of life in democracy. The reflection days will be held on three axes: Comprehensive Protection of the Rights of Children and Adolescents, Trafficking in Persons and Gender Violence, taking as a framework the framework provided by the laws 26.061, 26.364, 26.485 and its amendment 26,842.In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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