translated from Spanish: Marcelo Diaz: “I’m tired of being a spectator in front of inventions that are just looking to dirty my image”

The Chilean flyer, Marcelo Díaz, downloaded through his Twitter account against social media portals for creating an image of his person of a “conflicting” and very “media” type. In the tweet the Chilean player stated that “social media portals, I address usnetworks with total respect. I have not been interviewing the media in Chile for several years and I am deeply struck by the fact that certain portals are just looking to create an image about me of a conflicting and very media type, totally the opposite of who I am.” I’ve always been characterised by my low profile and that’s still going to be the case. I have been very respectful and have not wanted to be involved in any kind of conflict, going to silence and only talking about my club when I am asked and that is exactly where It is for me to do it,” the flyer added. In addition, Diaz criticises that “I have avoided making statements, but the only thing that achieved is that my name is constantly in headlines that are far from reality, taking everything I say and do out of context.” The former national team stated that “I got tired of being a passive spectator in the face of so much lies and inventions that they only seek to dirty my image” Finally, the footballer launched a harsh criticism of the Chilean press and stated that “the lack of rigorousness in the work journalistic is abyssmanistic, I deeply regret that instead of reporting, all they do is misinform and in passing make people believe something that is not. I have asked you for respect or consideration as I have gained many detractors for false information.”

Original source in Spanish


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