translated from Spanish: Netflix prepares 200md investment in Mexico

Mexico City.- Netflix started with just 30 employees and 195 DVDs. Today it is internationally known and has left behind the company that at the time was its main competition. It was after grieving to return an Apollo 13 VHS late and having to pay a $40 fine that the idea of the platform began to cook on Reed Hastings’ head, the Netflix co-founder during his participation in the 21st Century event , from Fundación Telmex Telcel.Idea visionary
The son of a lawyer father and vacuum cleaner salesman for a time, Reed Hastings even taught and enlisted in the army before starting the project with which he would achieve great success. After becoming a software developer, Hastings realized that in the 1990s, the internet was gaining faster speed and that, at one point, DVDs could be left behind and streaming. Hastings’ visionary idea was risky and faced great competitions that had much greater value in the market: “We were worth 50 million and they (Blockbuster) 5 billion, but we continued to innovate and approach the size they had”, commented the Netflix CEO during the Q&a-question round.” If you want to be innovative, you’re going to make mistakes as a company,” he added. “One must be very careful when someone makes a mistake, one should not fire people; you want people to be brave, enough to make mistakes.” New investments
For Hastings, the success of a series on its platform lies in the way it is well received in different countries, regardless of where it originates. It also announced that a $200 million investment is being prepared for series in Mexico and Latin America.Currently, Netflix has 60 million streamig members and 2 million DVD members in Unidos.La states
More than 10 thousand fellows from different parts of the country participated in the event Siglo 21, of the Telmex Telcel Foundation, which was attended by prominent personalities, among them: the Mexican businessman Carlos Slim Domit and the medalist Olympic Usain Bolt.It was also attended by Sophia, the world’s most advanced humanoid robot, designed to learn and adapt to human behavior; and Julia Guillard, Australia’s first female prime minister and current president of the World Association for Education.The conference cycle in which attendees were able to listen and interact with the speakers closed with the concert of the artist Sebastian Yatra .

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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