translated from Spanish: Civil Service will have 50% more resources to investigate

The Secretariat of the Civil Service, headed by Irma Eréndira Sandoval, will have a budget increase of 57% by 2020, and the additional resources will be applied mainly for public management control programmes and inhibition and sanctioning anti-corruption practices in government.
By contrast, the largest cut among the institutions that make up the National Anti-Corruption System – to which the Civil Service also belongs – is in the Prosecutor’s Office in the Fight against Corruption, which is responsible for investigating crimes for acts corruption and will have 69.8% less budget.
According to programmatic strategy, the Civil Service “has the mission to consolidate honest, efficient and transparent government,” so the budget for the next year will focus on actions to “eradicate corruption, disrepair and frivolity; separate political power from economic power to build a true rule of law under the premise that outside the law no one is anything and above the law.”
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Therefore, the six budget programmes for the civil service and management improvement will have increased resources for the coming year: public service support and good governance activities; oversight of public management; integration of the government’s professional structures; Republican austerity and government effectiveness policies; inhibition and sanctioning of corruption practices; and promoting the culture of integrity and appreciation for accountability.
For the “Fiscalization of Public Management” it will have 575 million pesos, the largest amount according to its programming of budget programs for the coming year. This means more than 300 million pesos more than in 2019, when 231 million pesos were allocated to it. And it will serve above all for the operation of the owners of the internal supervisory bodies of all the units and government bodies that were awarded to it after the reform to the public administration in 2018.
As part of the objective of “strengthening the mechanisms for the prevention, detection and punishment of illegal conduct, as well as the promotion of the culture of legality between public servants”, the program of “Inhibiting and sanctioning the practices of 219 million budget pesos, which increases by 54 million compared to last year when it received 165 million pesos.
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The investigation and sanctions attributed to the Civil Service are in the administrative field provided for in the General Law on Administrative Responsibilities. For misdemeanors sanctions are provided as public or private reprimand, suspension of office, dismissal or disqualification and economic sanction.
For “Republican austerity policies” will be allocated 212 million pesos, while in 2019 it was 168 million pesos. For the “Integration of professional government structures”, you will spend 66 million pesos.
The unit will also occupy the budget to “provide society with an honest and honest government that always acts within the framework of legality and human rights.”
Specific objectives such as “consolidating the integrity policy” in the units are therefore set out through updated guidelines for “the integration, coordination and operation of the Ethics and Conflict of Interest Prevention Committees in the administration,” therefore, to “promote the culture of legality” will allocate 197 million pesos.
You may be interested: Public Service presents anonymous reporting platform against corruption
The National Anti-Corruption System with “growth”
The National Anti-Corruption System was created thanks to a constitutional reform in 2014 aimed at the prevention, investigation and punishment of acts of corruption in the country through the coordination of local and federal authorities with the participation of different actors of the State: the public administration, the judiciary and even civil society.
Although there is a real increase of 5.2% among the five institutions that make up it, from 65 thousand 459 million pesos to 68 thousand 885 million pesos, not all were increased in the budget, according to the analysis carried out by Marco Fernández, researcher at Tec de Monterrey and Mexico Evaluates.
In its analysis, it noted that the Secretariat of the Civil Service is the largest increase, with more than half of its budget compared to last year. Meanwhile, the biggest cut is in the Prosecutor’s Office specializing in the fight against corruption with 69.8%.
The Prosecutor’s Office, in charge of María de la Luz Mijangos, is responsible for carrying out the “investigation, prevention and prosecution” of crimes related to acts of corruption provided for in the Federal Criminal Code, for example, bribery that provides for sentences of two to 14 years in prison.
Cases that may be included in the Public Prosecutor’s Office would be brought to the Federal Administrative Court for the judges to resolve and, where appropriate, sanctions on potential perpetrators.
The Court would have an 11.4% budget increase by 2020. The rest of the members of the system are the Council of the Federal Judiciary which would have 4.5% more budget, while the Federation’s Superior Audit would have no variations and the cuts would only be in the INAI, with 0.2% and the Executive Secretariat of the System, minus 0.4%.
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Original source in Spanish


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