translated from Spanish: “It’s No No”: Mario Massaccesi after the unfortunate moment with Mirtha

This Sunday, Mario Massaccesi was present at Mirtha Legrand’s table. By preamble, the driver questioned him: “Were you abused?” he asks at the journalist’s evasiveness. The driver of Synthesis considered that there is an area that the person creates to heal himself and get ahead of certain painful circumstances that he lived. “There’s a limit to self-protection, unless you feel like telling it,” he said in the program.
It wasn’t the driver’s only instigating question. As if the previous exaggeration had not been enough, he threw other questions, such as “Do you have a partner?”, “Were you never in love?”, “Don’t you know what love is?” After his participation in the program, Massaccesi spoke with La Nación, where he said he hoped Mirtha would refer to the topic. “I knew I could ask something like that and as a journalist I always defend the right to ask, but also the right to respect people’s privacy. Everyone can draw their own conclusions,” he said.

Mario Massaccesi on Mirtha Legrand’s show

The communicator stated that he did not have a childhood, adolescence or happy youth, but managed to reach his fullest adult moments, and once he was realized in his profession. He always dreamed of being a journalist.
“It’s not no and I’m clear that I’m never going to tell on TV something that belongs to my life, my intimacy and that took me many years to heal,” Massaccesi said.

The host on Radio Once Ten (AM 1110) argued that it was his dreams and love of journalism that healed him and prompted him to move on. “I didn’t have a happy childhood, I wasn’t happy in childhood, in adolescence, or in youth. I started to be happy when I was big. Yes I must rescue that there was only one thing that saved me in every way that a person can be saved, that was the dream of wanting to work on TV,” he said. After the unfortunate episode he experienced with Mirtha, Massaccesi is clear about what he wants to tell and what questions he intends to reserve for his intimacy. “It’s not no and I’m clear that I’m never going to tell on TV something that belongs to my life, to my intimacy and that took me many years to heal,” he said.

Mario Massaccesi with Carla Quevedo at Mirtha’s table

It should be noted that one – whether or not a victim – must have his right to preserve his privacy without being harassed to speak, let alone by a rating point. If you are a child abuse victim or know someone who is, contact The National Line 0800-222-1717 or 137, which provides 24-hour counseling and restraint. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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