translated from Spanish: Ivana Nadal described the moment she was harassed at age 14

Sitting in Pampita Online linving, Ivana Nadal recounted that she was harassed by a man when she was a girl.” I was going to hockey, I was 14, and one person gave me a card telling me I had to be a model. I left, talked it to my family and told them I wanted to try. I went to take pictures, some kind of book, and since I went with my mom and my grandmother, she told them to go have a little coffee on the corner. My mom didn’t want to, but he told them it was for me to be calm and not to inhibit me,” he began detailing.” I was taking the pictures and at one point he was telling me we were going to find another location that was two floors up. In the elevator we went up a floor and locked it. ‘What do you do?’ I say and that’s when he tells me ‘the medium is handled in a way that you still don’t know, but if you want to get somewhere you have to give me a kiss.’ I was 14!” he added. I said ‘are you sure what you’re asking me?’ and that’s when he says yes, he knows how things are, he paraded in Paris and put on an agency. I told her that I was uncomfortable with the situation, that I wanted to get off, that I unlocked the elevator that I wanted to get off. ‘You have to give me a kiss, I’m not asking you,’ and the chabón was coming at me,” he recalled.” At one point I push him, half crying, distressed, telling him ‘I want to go’ and ‘I don’t want to start screaming’. So, angry with a killer’s face, he says, ‘You’re not going to get anywhere!’, he told of how he ended up with the situation from which he was able to escape.
If you’re a victim of violence, you can ask for help. Line 144 provides information, guidance, advice and restraint to women across the country, 24 hours a day. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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