translated from Spanish: Plan for Patrias parties includes schedule extension in Metro and Transantiago

On Monday President Sebastián Piñera announced in O’Higgins Park a security plan for these Fiestas Patrias, called “For an 18 insurance”. The representative stated that the operational “zero tolerance”, with a total of 24 thousand nationally, dedicated to monitoring the low effects of alcohol and drugs will be strengthened. In addition, the head of state stated that “we will make a permanent effort to prevent the sale of alcohol to minors. For this purpose, Carabineros’ special alcohol control service already has 225 officials specialized in avoiding this.” Public transport, from 17 to 21 September, will extend its schedules, both in the Metro and in the Transantiago, in order to expand the capacity to transport people who want to enjoy this 18 healthily,” said Piñera.Se will perform more than 5 thousand audits to intercity buses these Fiestas Patrias, because according to the Mandatario, “we have known too many accidents in buses, and sometimes it is due to human failure, because the driver had not slept enough, because it was under the effects of alcohol or dope.” In terms of health, the President stated that “branches, empanada factories, restaurants, butchers, supermarkets will be monitored, so that no one will get sick from the poor quality of food.” We made an effort to have pharmacies on duty available, and so that if someone requires it, to dispose and count on them,” he explained. Piñera also said that there will be an “extraordinary deployment in our health network. There will be the management teams, ministers, undersecretaries, in services and shifts of 24/7, so that in all our health services we are attentive to attending to those who need attention.” The President also stated that “we are going to deploy a very large civil protection effort on beaches and spas. We don’t want any more people drowning on our beaches.”

Original source in Spanish


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