translated from Spanish: Andrés Nocioni and Horacio Pagani crossed paths on Twitter for the World Basketball Championship

When Argentina plays a World Cup whatever it is, the Argentinian people get up in breath and excitement to encourage it. Generally with basketball it is something more recurrent in each competition since the Golden Generation, in something that has been maintained for 15 years. Now, in China, Hernandez’s team achieved victory over Serbia that earned him the pass to the semi-finals and the country wallowed, among them, at Estudio Fútbol de TyC Sports, they dedicated part of the program to the sport. However, among them is Horacio Pagani who had an unfortunate phrase about the sport.

I had intruders in the background and I thought I heard that Horacio said that basketball had “very small technical issues”. And that no other sport produces “this emotional effect”.
Quiet Horace. We invite you to watch the World Basketball Championship. What they’re going through on the same channel — Selem Safar (@SelemSafar)
September 9, 2019

The day before the match, he stated that it is a sport “with very reduced technique”, in addition to claiming that football was the only popular sport. At the time, several did not miss it, including former player Selem Safar who wrote to him on Twitter, reviewing his initials. “Quiet Horace. We invite you to watch the World Basketball Championship. That they’re having it on your own channel.” Now, the one who answered was Andrés Nocioni. figure and emblem of the Golden Generation, who used his time to have a social media cross with the journalist, who answered him about his sayings and apologized if he felt he disrespected.” I understand your character!!! But I inform you that there are many sports in the world! Football I understand is very popular, but I tell you one thing, if you would copy more values from a sport like Basquet you wouldn’t see the things to see!!! Respect Horacio Pagani.”

Sorry Andrew. At no time did I disrespect the national team and basketball. I just work in a Studio Football program and I don’t like the light comparisons of two absolutely different activities that my colleagues use with the provocation game. Go on. — Horacio Pagani (@HoracioPagani)
September 11, 2019

“Sorry Andrew. At no time did I disrespect the national team and basketball. I just work in a Studio Football program and I don’t like the light comparisons of two absolutely different activities that my peers use with the provocation game,” Pagani added and remarked his point of view. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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