translated from Spanish: Governor announces water treatment plant in Alhuey

Angostura, Sinaloa.- On a visit to construction supervision in La Reforma, Governor Quirino Ordaz Coppel, accompanied by the Mayor, Aglaeé Montoya Martínez, announced several investments including the Alhuey Water Treatment Plant project, the second Stage of the recreational park of La Reforma and the highway of Estación Acatita to Toro Manchado, which will connect with the Mexico 15 road.This Potabilizer plant will provide quality drinking water to the communities of San Isidro, Batamotos, La Isleta, Capomos, Capomones, Alhueycito and Alhuey, which is the most felt demand of the population in this union.

The Governor of the State of Sinaloa, Quirino Ordaz Coppel; he attended with the mayor of Angostura, Aglaee Montoya Martínez and the Secretary of Public Works, Osvaldo López Angulo; to oversee the first stage of construction of La Plantona Park, a place that begins to receive young people to practice sports and families to live together.
The state president reported that the first stage of this park has an investment of 30 million pesos and will start with the second, which will cost 28 million pesos.
It’s an extraordinary public space and that’s what we’re betting on, recovering parks,” he stressed.

This work will feature: Cobbled area and green area
Four business modules
A health module with spaces for women and men
A 20-metre-high Flag Pole
A Palapa with refreshments and handicrafts
Two 6-metre palapas
A 10-metre hexagonal Palapa
Perimeter bard with main access
Agora (outdoor theatre)
‘quatrite’ court
Lighting system
Murete banca

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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