translated from Spanish: You find two abandoned cars with signs of a gun attack in Culiacan

Culiacan.- At the entrance of the Forest of the King split are two vehicles, one of them with bullet impacts, two of them in the driver’s part and another on the windshield. There were also bario long-armed shell casings in the inemheres. The other vehicle is a white Hunday, a recent model, which both were left in front of them. Versions of people who were at the entrance to the split is that the received of tires and subsequently gunshots were heard. 

The vehicle with bullet impacts is a grey Altima, the same as in the driver’s door has blood stains. At around 22:00 hours of reporting shootings in the colonies the Quintas, Villa del Río, and the Conquest.Unofficial versions indicate that by the Virtue of the Reran Forest Fraction, it is that allegedly armed subjects were chasing the driver of the Altima who was passing through the Boulevard Universo and being threatened with death went into the main street of that fraction where they finally gave him scope after being shot. 

It is said that the driver was allegedly deprived of liberty, due to blood stains and that it was not found inside the unit. At the scene they find themselves guarding the area awaiting police investigators and experts. Neighbors of the split driving vehicles are on the outskirts of the place waiting to be authorized to enter by authorities

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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