translated from Spanish: Massa with Sagasti: “The first thing that brought us together was the retirees”

On his visit to Mendoza, the candidate for Deputy Sergio Massa supported the candidacy of Anabel Fernandez Sagasti and showed up alongside Jorge Tanús, Alejandro Bermejo and Matías Stevanato. Massa advanced some measures that are studied at the national level for older adults. First, ask for an emergency improvement for retirements from December, then stop using the Sustainability Guarantee Fund (FGS) for the financial timba, and finally recover the Anses for the benefit of retirees and the actual coverage free of charge.
“We went back to the time when children and grandchildren have to help the elderly because they don’t get enough money, and this is perhaps what brought us together the most sometime in December 2017 with the change in the mobility rate and cut retirees by 19%” The candidate recalled.

For his part, Fernández Sagasti again highlighted the need to regenerate from a model that bets on production and work. For SMEs – who maintain or generate genuine work – announced tax relief “in the first six months of government we will deduct 100% of what they contribute to the state in employers’ matters; in the second six months, 50%, and in the third six, 25%”, explained the candidate.
It also cited the Electric Compensating Fund as another measure to improve the cost structure of small businesses, in relation to the payment of the electricity fee.
Consulted on the debt Sagasti noted “we will receive a province with 286% more public debt and the next government in four years will have to pay 110 billion pesos, almost an annual budget of Mendoza”. This issue will be solved by “turning on” the economy of Mendoza and with a perfect harmony with the Nation. The provinces of Mendoza and Buenos Aires, which accompanied Mauricio Macri’s policies, will have to renegotiate their dollar debt commitments in the next management. PerliteIn the middle of the official agenda the candidates took the time to take the stage to sing and dance, in a show of unity and coexistence. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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