translated from Spanish: Secoem claims to have trained 800 beneficiaries of the ‘Full-Time Schools’ program

Morelia, Michoacán.- Through a statement it was reported that the Secretariat of the Comptroller trained 800 beneficiaries and managers of the Full-Time School program, of campuses.

This, on the premise that the participation of society is one of the pillars in which the State Government, which states Silvano Aureoles Conejo, supports the practice of transparency and accountability.
As a result, the Ministry of Comptroller of Michoacán (Secoem), in compliance with the working firm with the Secretariat of Education in the State (SEE), carried out the training of Social Comptroller’s Office to directors, chairs of the State Participation Council Social Education (CEPSE), coordinators of The Social Comptroller and food coordinators of the schools belonging to the aforementioned program.
In this sense, the Undersecretary of Government Assessment and Audit and Social Participation, Laura González Martínez, disclosed that approximately 800 people, from the municipalities of Acuitzio, Alvaro Obregón, Ario, Charo, Chucándiro, Coeneo, Copándaro, Cuitzeo, Erongarícuaro, Huandacareo, Huaniqueo, Huiramba, Indaparapeo. Lagunillas, Madero, Pátzcuaro, Quiroga, Salvador Escalante, Santa Ana Maya, Tarímbaro, Turicato and Tzintzuntzan, knew of the measures that come to their fulfillment and achievement of the program.

During the two days that the event was held, based in Morelia, participants were guided to identify and report in a timely manner on difficulties, irregularities, omissions or non-compliances in the development, in a timely manner, of the actions beneficiary schools, as well as the proper implementation of the resources for which they were earmarked.
This highlights the urgent need to build active and vigilant citizenship of the correct application of public resources for the execution of works and actions in educational services, and therefore endorsed the commitment and obligation to provide the necessary mechanisms to improve the living conditions of michoacans.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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