translated from Spanish: Unicef lamented approval of preventive control since the age of 16: “It is a setback in children’s rights”

Unicef regretted that the Citizens’ Security Commission of the Chamber of Deputies approved preventive control for minors between the ages of 16 and 16.
The international body said that “the approved measure is a setback in children’s rights that is not consistent with the progress the country has made in this area. This initiative is not moving towards measures to protect children and adolescents from threats of discrimination (Article 2 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child), and arbitrary interference and attacks on their honour and reputation (article 16 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child)”.
“Such measures are not in force in almost any country in the way it seeks to incorporate into national legislation. According to a report prepared by UNICEF, sent to members of the Commission, ‘preventanse-free control’ does not exist in other legislations,” Unicef added in a public statement.
“Adolescents who commit crimes must be held accountable for their actions and punished according to their age and the seriousness of their actions; along with receiving tools for their rehabilitation and social reintegration,” he added.
The United Nations body reiterated that the implementation of preventive identity controls for adolescents from the age of 14 “contravenes the principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international treaties signed by Chile, such as International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the American Convention on Human Rights.”

Original source in Spanish


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