translated from Spanish: The battle for public sector readjustment is coming: guilds evaluate asking Finance and Labor for an 8% increase

Public sector officials plan to demand from the Ministries of Finance and Labour a pay adjustment by 2020 of 8%. This would be the same figure with which negotiations began last year, although it eventually increased by 3.5%.
The public sector table expects to meet in early October with government representatives and set a working schedule there, as the official readjustment figure should begin to be the beginning of December 1.
The vice president of the National Confederation of Municipal Health (Confusam), Esteban Maturana told Pulso that “the readjustment figure with which they will begin the discussion is not yet closed,” but said it will “be similar to the one that was presented last year.”
“We are finishing defining the proposals that we will deliver to the Government. The week of September 23, we will meet the 16 public sector guilds to define the final action plan,” said the historic leader of municipalized health.
Meanwhile, the president of the National Association of Public Officials (ANEF), José Pérez, argued that “the construction of the figure will consider the variables of growth, inflation, but we will also seek to include the variable equity”.
Another point to consider was the president of the National Confederation of University Professionals of Health Services of Chile (Fenprus), Aldo Santibáñez, who argued that they will request the signing of a protocol of agreement to initiate a process of transfer of civil servants to contract sacpresidents.
“Between 20% and 25% of the staff is honorary, equivalent to between 15 thousand and 20 thousand people,” Santibáñez said.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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