translated from Spanish: “Portezuelo was forged 70 years ago but our team started it”

Governor Alfredo Cornejo, with Deputy Governor Laura Montero; to capital mayor, Rodolfo Suarez, and the mayor of Malargue, Jorge Vergara, participated in Portezuelo del Viento’s call for tender. The dam is the largest civil engineering work of Mendoza.Postergado for more than half a century, the portezuelo del Viento multipurpose complex is today a reality, with US$ 1.023 million guaranteed for its construction and the support of four years of continuous work. The government of Alfredo Cornejo raised the concretion as a priority objective, which begins to take shape with the tendering of the dam. In addition to energizing 130,000 homes, it will revitalize tourism in the provincial South, create new areas of cultivation and tourism, and guarantee more than 5,000 jobs.” We are calling for tenders the work of the century, with all that it entails. Our Mendoza economy and the people of Mendoza need to expand their economic capacity. We will only overcome the scourges of poverty and the lack of progress by growing our economy, with an effective, efficient and intelligent state that can distribute it properly,” he said during the bidding ceremony for the long-awaited work. The representative added that “the only way to grow the economy is with infrastructure and developing potential in all our economic sectors, such as oil. That takes energy, because without energy there is no work and that’s what we’re doing. We have greatly improved the state and intervened despite the recession.” Continuing the economic theme, Cornejo explained that Mendoza has many environmentally sustainable resources. In this sense, he argued that “until the world’s energy matrix leaves the fossils and starts to go towards clean energy, we will have to continue to work the oil cleanly and safely, adding solar, wind and hydropower.” Making a bit of history, the Governor recalled that “the Portezuelo del Viento project was forged 70 years ago. But it was our team that launched it, 12 or 13 years ago, when with the governor of the time Cobos put the issue on the agenda. After Julio Cobos there were no governors who took the lead to get ours back. Doing such a work takes a lot of effort, dreaming is easy, doing is more difficult.” In this note:
wind tail

Original source in Spanish


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