translated from Spanish: They confirm Kim Kardashian suffers from Lupus

Usa. The U.S.- Kim Kardashian collapsed upon learning that she tested positive for lupus after an antibody test, a moment that was broadcast last night in the premiere of the new season of her reality show.
Kardashian had previously revealed that he has been suffering from several symptoms related to arthritis for some time, some of the most common consequences of the disease caused by lupus.
“I’ve felt tired, nauseous and my hands are really swelling. I feel like I’m literally falling apart,” the TV star and business mogul said during her TV show “Keepin’ Up With The Kardashians.”
Accompanied by her sister Kylie Jenner, the star admitted that she was experiencing joint swelling, headaches and general fatigue before the arrival of her fourth child, Psalm, who was born in May due to subrogated pregnancy.
“It’s definitely a different feeling to any pain I’ve had before. I feel this in my bones. I’m really starting to worry,” the famous one told the cameras.
Kardashian speculated that, based on the symptoms, he may suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, so he decided to seek a professional opinion.
“It’s very scary (…) I have to go to the doctor and see what happens because I can’t live like this,” he said.
According to the narration of his television show, his doctor called, after several medical tests, to report the news that his blood tests revealed antibodies associated with lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.
After the call, Kardshian collapsed into tears.
Despite the alarm, the doctor explained that the result does not mean that he has precisely the two diseases, but possesses the antibodies of both, which could remain “asleep” and develop in the future, as well as maintaining that condition and not cause the condition.
This isn’t the first time the celebrity has shared her health problems in public, the same thing happened when she suffered psoriasis or when she had pregnancies complications with her husband Kanye West.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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