translated from Spanish: Bolivia’s first electric car was released

A blow to the squeathing automotive industry in Latin America was the Bolivian company, Industrias Quantum Motors SA, which last Friday presented the first electric car manufacturing in the neighboring country. In this regard, Quantum’s manager, José Carlos Márquez, indicated that the vehicles are assembled and produced by Bolivian engineers and are designed to transport three people. The price of new electric cars will be hovering at $5,000. In that line the E2 model should eventually rise to $5,450, but initially it will sell at $4,700.While the E3 will cost $5,950, which, equally during the start of sales, will be reduced to $5,200. The company expects to produce 200 units per month, mainly for domestic trade, and it is highlighted in the technical aspects that the electricity consumption of these cars is 600 watts per hour for the E2 and 800 for the E3, so the average cost would be 2 bol Ivianos ($206 Chilean pesos) for 50 kilometers traveled. Marquez noted that “The vehicle is powered by power by plugging it into an electrical system that supplies 220 volts. The time to charge it is 6 hours and provides a range of 60 to 70 kilometers, can reach a maximum speed of 42 kilometers per hour and is suitable for the entire Bolivian territory”.

Original source in Spanish


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