translated from Spanish: Marinos securing 70 packs of cocaine in Lazaro Cardenas

Lázaro Cárdenas, Michoacán.- Give a statement to report that the personnel of the Mexican Navy Secretariat – Navy (Semar) deployed in Michoacán, reported the insurance of a shipment of cocaine that arrived on Mexican shores on a ship from Ecuador.
As a National Maritime Authority and in the functions of coast guard, the Semar reported that derived from the joint work of the Naval Port Protection Unit number 63, attached to the Tenth Naval Zone and the Customs of Lázaro Cardenas, Michoacán, a shipment was secured with approximately 82 kilograms of a substance with characteristics similar to cocaine hydrochloride, in the Port of Lazarus Cardenas, Michoacán.
According to a statement, this action was carried out arising from joint intelligence work between the Mexican Marine-Armada Secretariat and the Ministry of National Defense, where it was known that a container carrying illicit cargo was being transported to aboard the ship CMA CGM MISSISSIPPI with a Liberian flag from Guayaquil, Ecuador and bound for Calderas, Costa Rica, so a visual inspection of it was carried out.
This container according to the load manifest was electric cable rolls; however, the opening of the container was observed on the roll of wire rod two packs wrapped in black bags and inside a shear, as well as new unused padlocks, proceeding to analyze the contents by substance detection equipment which yielded preliminary results with positive incidence to “cocaine hydrochloride”, with a total of two packages with 70 packages, giving an approximate weight of 82 kg. The alleged insured unlawful cargo was made available to the competent authorities to determine ministerial weight, carry out the relevant tests and to integrate the research folder.

Finally, by official statement, the unit noted that: “With these actions, the Ministry of Navy of Mexico, as the National Maritime Authority, endorses the commitment to work in coordination with units of the three orders of government, to combat organized crime with the resources provided by the Law, always in strict adherence to human rights.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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