translated from Spanish: Sergio Hernandez’s emotional message after the World Basketball Championships

After making history in our country’s sport by winning the silver medal at the 2019 World Basketball Championships in China, coach Sergio Hernandez posted several Twitter messages to thank the process that was the competition.”‘ It’s time to break the silence Sergito’ said Germán Beder, from there I wrote and deleted a thousand times. What I feel is thank you, to all those who made the stamina, to my players, to my staff, to the Argentine Confederation of Basketball and to its president Federico Susbielles for having trusted me. Also basketball that allowed me once again to live an amazing experience! When I say this I don’t speak only for the sporting, these experiences enrich you culturally, allow you to meet people from all over the world and continue learning. Again, thank you! We are very happy and proud, and we would certainly be the same without the medal, we gave everything, we always seek excellence, we honor the game, and in the end, that’s what it’s all about! Big hug!”

“It’s time to break the silence, Sergito, ” said @gbeder, from there I wrote and deleted a thousand times. What I feel is thanks, to everyone who made us stamina, to my players, to my staff, to the @Cabb and to their president @fsusbielles for trusting me! — sergio hernandez (@ssergioh)
September 20, 2019

Original source in Spanish


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