translated from Spanish: Trump threatens Europe to free Islamic State members on their borders

US President Donald Trump on Friday has threatened European countries to move to their borders and release Islamic State members detained in Iraq and Syria there should they refuse to accept them back in order to judge them. In a hearing with Australia’s prime minister, Scott Morrison, Trump has noted that he “defeated the caliphate” and added that the United States now has “thousands of prisoners of war.” We are calling on the countries from which they came, countries of Europe, to accept these prisoners of war,” he said, before stating that the authorities of the European states have “refused so far.” At some point, I will have to say, ‘I’m sorry, but either you accept them back or we leave them at your borders,’ said the representative, who noted that the United States has “done a great favor” by “capturing” the jihadists. Trump has insisted that he wants European countries to accept the return of these jihadists. “If they don’t, we’ll probably have to put them on borders and get them captured again,” he said. He has noted that the United States “is not going to have thousands and thousands of people captured at Guantanamo Bay for the next 50 years and spending billions of dollars.” We have done Europe a tremendous favour, as most came (to Iraq and Syria) from Europe. We have done them a tremendous favour and the United States is not going to pay the cost of thousands of Islamic State fighters at Guantanamo or elsewhere,” he has warned.” We’re not going to do it, so you’re going to have to make a decision. Otherwise, we will free them at the border (of European countries),” has settled the president of the US country.

Original source in Spanish


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