translated from Spanish: Gendarme is at vital risk after being shot by colleague on duty

During this day radio Bío Bío noted that information regarding a gendarme shot wounded by a colleague while both were in service was confirmed by Colonel Alejandro Fuentes, metropolitan general manager of Gendarmerie.El altercation was starred a sub-lieutenant of the institution who ended up firing his gun by firing at another gendarme’s abdomen, while both were serving shift slams in the Alto Bridge Jail on the night of September 14, specifically at the Detention Center Preventive (C.D.P). According to the confirmation of the director of the institution the motives following the incident are still being investigated by the Investigation Police, although it has been noted so far that the sub-lieutenant was handling his service armament, a pistol Jericho, the one who was percussed to cause the wound in the gendarme’s abdomen. After the fact, and according to the official information of the institution, after midnight, at 00:10 in the morning of Sunday 15 September, the uniformed people notified the head of night service and the paramedic of the place, after which it was derived immediately When he has gendarme at the urgency of the Hospital Sótero del Río.According to people close to the victim, he is still at vital risk, admitted to the ICU of the Sotero Del Río Hospital, and would have undergone numerous surgeries in recent days. As for the sub-lieutenant who lost his weapon, he would be at his home, on medical leave, and would be psychologically assisted.

Original source in Spanish


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