translated from Spanish: Scream of Independence ? THE DEBATE

Culiacán, Sinaloa.- Spectacular night the distinguished guests witnessed the reception before the Cry of Independence held on the third floor of the Government Palace. Event headed by Quirino Ordaz Coppel, governor of Sinaloa state, and Rosy Fuentes de Ordaz, wife of the governor and president of the Sinaloa DIF System; as well as his sons: Quirino, Silvana and Santiago Ordaz Fuentes.  Luxury guestsAmong the personalities present at the festivities were Hector, Sergio and Alvaro Ley; Carlos Gandarilla, Juan José Ríos and Madel de Ríos; Iris Aguilar de Arredondo and Sergio Mario Arredondo; César Tamayo, Sandra Lara, Jesús Estrada Ferreiro and Lupita de Estrada; Martha Tamayo and Saul King; Javier Lizárraga, Juan Alfonso Mejía and Arika Bernal; Monica Coppel de Pérez and Juan Ramón Pérez; Mireya Rodríguez de Encinas and Efrén Encinas, among others. Atmosphere With entertaining talks and with some other joke were how those gathered were spent the hours before the main event to which they received a cordial invitation from the Government of Sinaloa.

Santiago Ordaz Fuentes, Quirino Ordaz Coppel, Rosy Fuentes de Ordaz, Silvana and Quirino Ordaz Fuentes.

Quirino Ordaz Coppel and Rosy Fuentes de Ordaz.

César Tamayo, Tere Gallo de Gil and Alfonso Gil Díaz.

Juan Antonio Beltrán, Mario Barraza, Carlos Gandarilla, Ernesto Echeverría, Jesús Polanco, Javier Partida and Sofía Gandarilla.

Héctor Ley and Francisco Vega.

Sandra Lara and Francisco Vega.

Héctor Melesio Cuen, Angelica Díaz de Cuen, Odgar González and María Teresa Apodaca.

Guillermo Torres, Armando Ramírez and Rafael Pérez Parra.

José de Jesús Rocha, Ricardo Madrid, Mario Zamora, Joel Bouciéguez, Enrique Inzunza and Rubén Rocha Moya.

Rafael Martínez and Connie Zazueta Castro.

Special moments were spent together by the Ordaz Fuentes family before giving the Cry of Independence on one of the balconies of the Government Palace.

Sergio Mario Arredondo, Iris Aguilar de Arredondo, Lorien Velázquez and Héctor Orrantia.

Carolina Diaz of Sandi and Odgar Zamudio.

Javier Lizárraga and Eduardo Barba.

María Esquer, Diego Ortiz, Víctor Bazúa, Rocío Esquer, Fernando Caballero and Alejandro Ortiz.

Mario Cadena, Paulina de Cadena and Wendy de Zamora.

Carlos Almada, Sergio Ley, Rosy Fuentes de Ordaz, Leovi Carranza, Alvaro Ley and Heriberto Galindo.

Original source in Spanish


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