translated from Spanish: Stream no flowing by plug-in

The inhabitants of Progreso Street, in the Colony Of San Juan, ask for help to fix a plug under the bridge that is above a stream in the area, because, because the level of the bridge is very low and the flow is blocked by land and garbage , neighbors fear flooding. For this reason, a call is made to the mayor of Culiacán, Jesús Estrada Ferreiro, to send race to fix this problem. If those of St. John do not see that the authorities send assistance, we recommend that they call fon (667) 169 7656, to insist until they are peeled.> Urgen piggy
Those who are looking for good piggy banks to start saving are those of the ejido Aztec aguila, in Ahome, since, for a long time they have not seen solutions in the toilet drains or in the streets, which are in very bad condition. That’s why they want to start saving, to repair them themselves. If you know where to find good piggy bank where a good rod fits, please kick the municipal public services dire, Iván Gálvez Meza, at (668) 816 40 09, and the manager of the Japama, Guillermo Blake Serrano, at (668) 812 04 04.> Chamba p ninis
The General Directorate of Public Works and Services of Guasave is requesting ninis to incorporate them into the City Council and that they can access the scholarship, as long as the jale of bachear the streets of the municipality is noticeable and that the change is evident, this in order that the race leaves d and complain about the shabby state they’re in. If you’re interested, call the chaca in this department, Mauricio López, on the phone (687) 872 24 52.> The Road of Darkness
It takes some cachimbas pa the race that has to walk at night on the path that goes from the community El Taballal, to Batamotos, in Salvador Alvarado, because they say that the lamps of the street lighting do not serve, and they are afraid when they have to take that path , which is in darkness. If you know where to get the pa cachimbas that are lamps are lamps, mark it to the Public Works dire of that municipality, Hugo Alberto Soto, at (673) 732 06 38.> It is sought dire de Cultura y Arte
If you’ve always had talent for the arts and have a lot of projects in mind that you’ve never had the opportunity to do, now’s when! Send your résumé to the mayor of Mazatlan, Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres, who is looking for candidates to appoint the new director general of the Institute of Culture and Art. The work to organize the Carnival festival has already started and in the interim direction is still in charge of José Angel Tostado. If you get animated, here’s the phone (669) 915 80 00, pa that postule pa’l puesto.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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