translated from Spanish: Susana Giménez: “Pampita has a new boyfriend every week”

Sitting in Susana’s living room and in the midst of her stories about the backands she has with Barby Franco, Fernando Burlando recounted that “the other day in a parade of wedding dresses” Barby threw the bouquet and that caught by Pampita who was right next to him.

That led to Suana saying true to her style: “Pampita gets married every five minutes. Every week she has a new boyfriend!” The lawyer, for his part, finished his anecdote by saying that Pampita began to hit him with the bouquet. “I beat him to stop making his friend suffer!” said Barby, who was also present at the interview. Since divorcing Benjamin Vicuña, Pampita had some romances. Although it was never bleached at first it was rumored that the Bailando jury had an affair with Nacho Viale.

He then maintained a long courtship with Pico Monaco, from whom he separated on several occasions, although he was with whom he was with the longest. Upon finally separating, Pampita began a relationship with Mariano Balcarce, a young businessman who laundered in a short time at a gala dinner. But that relationship was also truncated and today she lives a very good present with Roberto García Moritán, a 42-year-old man, currently divorced and with two children. In this note:

Original source in Spanish


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