translated from Spanish: Piñera said that “several” regional mayors will resign their positions

President Sebastián Piñera said that “several” regional mayors will resign their positions in the coming weeks, in order to compete in the 2020 gubernatorial elections.In interview with the Regional Association of Television Channels n (Arcatel), which El Mercurio advanced, the representative noted that “the instruction we give is that if any current mayor wants to continue in the public service as governor, we see him with good eyes, and I anticipate to them that several current mayors will to be able to run for election to governors,” as it is a requirement required by law. On the other hand, he revealed that over the next week he will release the name of the new Deputy Secretary for Regional Development, who will replace the resignation Felipe Salaberry.The head of state also had words for the constitutional indictment filed against the Minister of Education, Marcela Cubillos, who was rejected last Tuesday by the Chamber of Deputies.Piñera called what happened a “political earthquake”, adding that “what people expect from politicians is for the government and the opposition to convers.” In the same vein, he stated that the public wanted the different political sectors to “agree, collaborate, each from their point of view. What he does not expect is for them to behave like the dog and the cat and face off in a fratricidal struggle.” Finally, he ruled on this issue that as President he will always seek dialogue and come to understandings with those “willing to find those agreements.”

Original source in Spanish


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