translated from Spanish: The right attacks with mud – The Opinion of Hector Marín Rebollo

On September 24, 1913, Venustiano Carranza to the Legislature of Sonora in Hermosillo gave a speech in which he expressed: “The people of Mexico know that, after the armed struggle convened by the Plan of Guadalupe, it will have to start formidable and majestic social struggle, class struggle, whether we want or don’t want to and oppose the forces that oppose new social ideas will have to be imposed on our masses; it is not only the sharing of national lands and riches, it is not effective suffrage, it is not opening more schools, it is not equalizing and distributing national wealth; It is something bigger and more sacred; is to establish justice, is to seek equality, it is the disappearance of the powerful, to establish the balance of the national consciousness.”
Venustiano Carranza, it is obvious, was not Marxist and yet he captured the essence of the historical moment: the armed revolution itself and the struggle that happened to him was nothing more than the expression of the class struggle in our country. Not bad.
To the triumph of López Obrador on July 1, 2018 through a popular front that was formed in reality and without qualifying it as such and that was the blunt factor of his electoral success, an intense struggle for opposing ideas was immediately sharpened , that is, the ideological struggle, a form of class struggle.
That is why the Socialist People’s Party is not surprised that a large group of entrepreneurs (we will already know their names and companies) who even ask for favors from the current government, are contributing billions of pesos for a small group of technicians led by among others by the junior businessman, son of Papi, Claudio X González, is engaged in all kinds of lies, slander, falsehoods, cheating, political garbage, well, loaded with poison against President López Obrador.
All of this is obviously part of the class struggle and in strict sense those tycoons are entitled to do so.
Only the people who are not foolish (and we saw it at the ceremony of shouting), warn that the intention of those memes, messages, tweets containing mud and even majaderos insults, is that the ad hominem, slanderer and scoundrel attack on López Obrador will cause his tofail Government. Deluded. Clumsy.
Progressive forces have plenty of arguments to disrupt the barrage and without using felon’s own lies.
The opinions expressed in the columns are the sole responsibility of those who subscribe to them and do not necessarily represent the thought or editorial line of Monitor Expresso
Professor of primary education, Bachelor and Master in Pedagogy, diploma at the Karl Liebknetch School in Potsdam, Germany. He studied law at UNAM. He studied the Master’s degree at the Universidad Hispano-Mexicana.

Original source in Spanish


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