translated from Spanish: With hand decks assault Ecatepec Coppel; manage to flee

Moments of terror lived the employees of the department store ‘Coppel’ located in Ecatepec, State of Mexico when they were intercepted by four men with clogged faces to steal some electronics. In a video recorded by one of the witnesses, it is observed that two subjects with their faces covered begin to take objects from the store located on Avenida Gobernador Carlos Hank González, Granjas de Guadalupe colony.

The subjects began to break the display cases with decks to remove mobile devices and then run away, fleeing the place.
Today four people arrive at this department store with mallets and a firearm and violently interrupt the store and break the display cases and come out with a loot of cell phones and watches,” said Roberto Hernández, Director of Public Safety at Ecatepec.

Authorities are now investigating whether the offenders belong to a gang dedicated exclusively to the assault of department stores.
It is being investigated, because they are presumed to have been involved in other robberies. Here in the municipality they are already made available with more corresponding authorities. 12 days ago I had the arrest of other equal people who were stealing another Coppel,” the official added.

The subjects are estimated to be imitators of a gang of delincuentas called the “Los Marros” band.
The already famous marro is remembered that in Mexico City it was very fashionable, some even abroad who left here from Mexico it became fashionable just as they arrive violently with a firearm while other people with marros break the display cases so they subtract objects,” Hernandez explained. 

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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