translated from Spanish: Venezuela prevents the entry of Guatemala’s president-elect, Guaidó’s ally

Venezuelan authorities have prevented Guatemala’s president-elect Alejandro Giammattei from entering the country, who had been summoned in Caracas with the head of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, to strengthen ties and invite him person I’m going to take office. The National Communication Center, which acts as the press office of Guaidó, had on Saturday informed Giammattei’s arrival at Maiquetía airport, a step prior to a meeting that from around the opposition leader they already considered “a historical act and unprecedented.” Soon after, however, the Communication Center warned of an “irregular situation” at Simón Bolívar Airport and the apparent blockade of the winner of Guatemala’s last presidential election, which will take office on January 14.” They wouldn’t let us into Venezuela. They escorted us to the door and got us on the plane,” Giammattei himself said in a video released on social media by Guaidó. “Even if they haven’t let us in, our voice will make it heard today across the continent,” she said. Thus, Giammattei has reiterated his support for Guaidó, who in January proclaimed himself ‘president in charge’ of Venezuela coinciding with the start of Maduro’s current mandate. The opposition finds this mandate illegitimate because it was based on an election, those of 20 May 2018, which were branded fraudulent. Guaidó has charged on Twitter against Maduro’s “regime” for the veto of Giammattei and warned of this will not “stop the support” of other leaders. “You’re wrong, here your message of unconditional support for our cause,” he highlighted in the message that also includes the Guatemalan leader’s video.

Original source in Spanish


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