translated from Spanish: Jeremy Renner would have threatened to kill his former

Jeremy Renner, the actor who plays Hawkeye in the Marvel universe, would have threatened to kill his ex-wife, Sonni Pacheco, and so she filed a serious complaint against him. Information is given on different news portals. Things get bad for Jeremy Renner, who is one of Hollywood’s most famous actors and blockbusters, as he faces a serious court complaint against him. Jeremy Renner and Sonni Pacheco fight custody of Ava, their daughter, who is a minor.

Jeremy Rennes is remembered for his role in the Avengers series, where he played Hawkeye. 

Sonni, his ex-wife, filed new documents and charges against the actor. Supposedly in November 2018 Renner went to a nightclub, consumed alcohol and cocaine and started talking about his intentions to take Sonni’s life.The actor allegedly told other people that he had a lot of problems with his ex and that he no longer wanted him to More over, the actor had pulled a gun, placed it in his mouth and threatened to take his own life.

According to the TMZ site, the actor fired a shot at the ceiling, when his young daughter was sleeping in her room. Sonni claims that Jeremy, originally from Modesto, California, USA, has a history of substance abuse, and has verbally and emotionally abused her.

According to the new complaint, there is the testimony of a nanny of the little girl; Renner says he was going to go to Sonni’s house to kill his ex and then kill himself, because “it was better for Ava to have no parents than to have Sonni as a mother.” The woman calls for her self-revoking custody of the child only for her and wants monitored visits for Renner regarding the young girl. 

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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