translated from Spanish: With 2 thousand 850 detainees ended eighteenth massive round of Carabineros

2,850 detainees, 164 kilograms of seized drugs and 79 weapons seized, were some of the numbers left by a massive new round of Carabineros, the eighteenth that is performed during the government of President Sebastián Piñera.The operative, which in Santiago started in the Plaza de Armas, took place at the national level and concentrated on points with high concentration of public, commerce and / or services. In total, the round envisaged the participation of 4,361 police officers and 1,265 patrol vehicles, which were deployed between 11 and 13 October, and carried out more than 160,000 checks. This allowed 111 kilograms of marijuana, 48 of base paste and 4.47 kilograms of cocaine to be seized. In addition, among other results, 18 short weapons, 4 long and 50 vehicles were recovered. Of the detainees, 73.6% were caught in flagrance, while 752 submitted pending arrest warrants. 1,688 detainees, equivalent to 59.2% of the total, were made available to public courts and prisons, while 1,104 were noticed under article 26 of the Code of Procedure Penal.Es important to mention that 2.3% of detainees were caught in one of the 33 sectors that are part of the Priority Wards Programme, an initiative promoted by the Government of President Sebastián Piñera, and which seeks to strengthen the security of those areas with high socio-delict vulnerability. Undersecretary for Crime Prevention Katherine Martorell stressed that the goal of these rounds is to be close to people and to generate efficient and effective action against crime. “It is important to note that we had more than 70% of detainees in flagrance, that is, we had immediate action by our Carabineros. We have more than 75,000 detainees in these 18 rounds and more than 2,000 weapons seized, which are no longer available for crimes or acts of violence,” he said. The undersecretary’s sayings were reaffirmed by the National Director of Order and Security of Carabineros, General Ricardo Yáñez, who emphasized the high average number of detainees in each of these operatives. “We are talking about more than 2,800 detainees per round and that speaks of Carabineros’ efforts being well directed,” he said. To date, there have been eighteen mass rounds that Carabineros has carried out throughout the country, which have left a balance of 75,302 detainees; more than 2,600 weapons seized and the foreing of 1,651 kilograms of drugs.

Original source in Spanish


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