translated from Spanish: Buffon confessed that he had depression and that a picture changed his life

The 41-year-old goalkeeper, Gianluifi Buffon, confessed in an autobiographical letter that he lived part of his football career with depression when he was younger. The writing, which is directed for himself when he was just starting out in football, talks about the pressure and the repetitive pace of life that caused him such a delicate illness at 26. “If you live nihilistic, looking only at football, your soul will begin to change. AIn the end you will be so depressed that you will no longer feel like getting out of bed,” Buffon wrote according to the letter published in The Players’ Tribune. “In just a few days, you’ll get three things that are very, very intoxicating, but also very, very dangerous: money, fame and the job of your dreams. Now, you’re probably thinking: What could be dangerous about all this? Well, this is a paradox. On the one hand, it’s true that an archer needs confidence. He needs to be brave. If you give a manager the choice between the world’s most technical goalkeeper and the world’s bravest goalkeeper, I guarantee you will choose the intrepid ‘bastard’ every time,” added the current Goalkeeper of Juventus.Buffon explained that football can “become a robot” to because of the daily replay of training and matches, and that one day, having no strength, he decided to change his ways and go to visit a museum. That’s when he saw something that changed his life. The painting entitled “The Walk” by the painter Marc Chagall, where the author is seen holding his wife in the air by one hand. “This image will make you feel like a child, the feeling of happiness in simple things,” the goalkeeper closed.

Original source in Spanish


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