translated from Spanish: They find the body of a young municipal official from Charapan, Michoacán

Los Reyes, Michoacán.- In complete condition of rot, eaten by scavenger animals, the evening of this Tuesday was located inside a ravine located between Zacán, belonging to this town and Charapan, the corpse of a young official municipal council, who was abducted 9 days ago and for which his captors demanded a large amount of monetary ransom from his family.
The now-deceased was recognized by his relatives as who in life responded to the name of Sergio A., 28 years old, originally and neighbor of Charapan, where he had his residence and served in the rural support office of that same population.
According to the data collected by this means, it was established that Sergio was “lifted” by unknown subjects, who disappeared him and asked the family for a millionaire ransom, but unfortunately the criminals deprived him of existence and they threw into a ravine 5 meters deep, on the road that connects the aforementioned communities.
Relatives and friends conducted an exhaustive search, and it was until Tuesday that an acquaintance found him at the bottom of the ravine, giving part to the authorities and relatives of the macabre find.
The authorities moved to the site finding the victim already in a state of rot and with his face detained by the scavenger animals, being identified by the clothing he was wearing.
Agents investigated you came to the site of the find to carry out the relevant diligence on the case and transfer the remains to the morgue of the region, with the respective research folder initiated.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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