translated from Spanish: Heavy shootings in Culiacan for the alleged capture of the son of the Chapo (Videos)

Culiacan, Sinaloa.- There are heavy clashes with high caliber weapons, it broke out in the sector known as Tres Ríos, one of the busiest places in the city.
First reports indicate that elements of the Municipal Police and the Mexican Army are located on the site.

#ÚltimaHora A shooting that would have started in the Centro sector and currently taking place in the area of the Urban Development Tres Ríos is registered in #Culiacán.
— Riodoce (@Riodoce_mx) October 17, 2019

While entire families are recording refugees in their cars and people poking their phones out the windows, bursts of gunfire are heard on Boulevard Enrique Sánchez Alonso. According to the initial reports everything is happening in the vicinity of the Attorney General’s Office of Sinaloa, in Culiacán.

Although this is an unofficial detail, it is important to clarify that it is allegedly happening because they arrested or killed Joaquin Guzmán Loera’s son this afternoon, El Chapo.

Here are some videos that people have been recording with their cell phone during the shooting in Culiacan
— Sopitas (@sopitas) October 17, 2019

People speculate that the chaun’s son is possibly captured and that the cartel is trying to retrieve it.

Chapo’s son died? The hitmen try to reclaim it terror in Culiacan
— Guilbert 8 (@guilbert_ga) October 17, 2019

You can see the strong weaponry of the alleged members of the Culiacan cartel responding to attacks by the military.

Apparently they caught the son of the
— . (@cavhmxli) October 17, 2019

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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