translated from Spanish: Man killed his mother-in-law of 45 knives in Monterrey

Monterrey, Nuevo León.- A man was found guilty of murdering his mother-in-law of 45 knives during an attack in Sabinas Hidalgo in June last year.

Luis Gerardo López Mata, 22, was convicted of the femicide of María de Jesús Valle Segovia, 52.

However, he was acquitted of two other accusations that the Public Prosecutor’s Office charged him, that of theft and simple possession of drugs.

On the crime, a collegiate court found sufficient evidence presented by the Prosecutor’s Office during a series of hearings that culminated on Thursday, at the Palace of Justice of St. Nicholas.

The Prosecutor’s Office established that on the morning of June 24, 2018, López Mata broke into his mother-in-law’s home in Colonia Eulalio Reyes, where his former partner, who had left him for mistreatment of her, was sheltered.

The women were sheltered in a room until the man chose to retire.

Soon mother and daughter left the room and asked for shelter at a relative’s house.

While the daughter stayed at that home, the victim returned home to change her clothes for work.

That’s where the sentencer surprised her, beat her and then stabbed her.

In addition to the prison sentence, López Mata will have to pay 405 thousand pesos for repairing the damage to his victim’s relatives.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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