translated from Spanish: Selena Gomez returns to music with Lose You to Love Me

Last weekend, Selena Gomez surprised her followers by posting a curious photograph on her official accounts, making clear reference to her new music on the way and would be released very soon. The next day the American singer released an image that would make it clear that the new musical era of the ex-Disney girl has also begun, revealing the date and name of her new single; Lose You to Love Me, will premiere on October 23. It is not known if the theme will feature a music video.

After a great absence of four years offstage, the singer decided to surprise the world with her return to the world of music, and is that despite having premiered music in recent years, most of those singles were collaborations or songs that were not included an on any particular album, which is why it has caused great revolution with its promotion.
Fans of the singer did not wait to go viral the news, desperate for Selena’s great return, filled her posts with positive messages and showed her happiness at hearing the young woman’s harmonious voice again. It should be noted that Selena Gomez’s return to the musical world is one of the most anticipated returns by the general public. Some Internet users pointed out that the song would be dedicated to his former partner, Justin Bieber, who married Hailey Baldwin on September 30th. users and show business, so it is estimated that the theme will be dedicated to the young performer of ‘Love Yourself’, theme that is dedicated to Selena Gomez.But this is only user feedback, it will be a matter of time before we will not be sure that the theme is really dedicated to the singer and waiting for the actress to speak out about it, because despite the secrets behind the lyrics of some songs, Selena has revealed certain songs that she has sung for Justin.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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