translated from Spanish: Protest deaths: contrasting figures handed out by Undersecretary Ubilla and General Iturriaga

The undersecretary of the Interior, Rodrigo Ubilla, offered this morning from the Palacio de la Moneda a balance of the protests that have taken the whole country and confirmed that there have been 15 deaths and 2,643 arrested.
“In particular, today there are a national total of 15 dead, 11 of them in the Metropolitan Region, all associated with burning and scorcity mainly of shopping malls,” the undersecretary said. “Two in a Leader of San Bernardo, five in the Kayser company, one in Quinta Normal, one in a Supermarket Santa Isabel and two in La Pintana, in Construmart”, he complemented.
Ubilla also reported 4 deaths in regions: one in La Serena, one in Coquimbo, one in Talcahuano and one in Ruta 5 Sur, the latter in reference to the case of Curicó where the young José Miguel Uribe Antipani died with one shot.
The undersecretary said there has been “a significant decrease in the facts associated with looting, vandalism and crime.”
“If I compare the 08:00 p.m. report on October 21 with today’s report (…) there is a significant decrease in acts of violence. In total, yesterday we reported 350 and today, in the last 24 hours, there have been 255, almost 100 less,” he explained.
Rodrigo Ubilla believes that the attacks on public infrastructure on Monday show that this is a “concerted action. We started with the attack and attempted destruction of the Metro lines in the Metropolitan region and many buses on Friday.”
“Then we went to a weekend marked by the attempt to run out supermarkets, fairs, where the population not only of the Metropolitan Region but all over the country is normally supplied with food,” he added.
Finally, the authority held that the Ministry of the Interior is filing claims by the State Security Act, “and we hope that the Public Prosecutor’s Office will support us in these cases and that the courts will convict these criminals.”
Iturriaga data
Ubilla’s figures (eleven killed in Santiago) contrast with those previously delivered by the head of the National Defense for the Metropolitan Region, General Javier Iturriaga, and again show a disrest between the data handled by the authorities.
The Castrense chief reported 7 civilians killed in the MRI, and noted that there was no military responsibility in these events, because they were found “calcined in the places where the vandalism occurred”.
In his report on the third curfew night, the uniformed chief added that there were 932 detainees, 6 civilians injured and 49 injured Army, carabinieri and PDI officers. The most serious case,” he said, “is that of a detective who was seriously injured.
“Overall the city was quiet last night (…) From 22-23 hours there was already very little movement, except for some very isolated cases of people who definitely do not understand anything. But the city slept peacefully. There are only a few minor facts that usual criminals produce,” he added.
Iturriaga also referred to allegations of military abuseates at curfew controls.  “There are videos circulating where we seek to accuse ourselves of excessive violence (…) The identity checks in the curfews are to be able to protect the large mass of Chileans (…) the call is to not resist,” he said.
Regarding possible demonstrations during the day, he said that “during the day all the mass public marches or events, which citizens with just right would like to carry out, call them to come, we coordinate and together with Carabineros and the Mayor authorize all acts and marches they would like to develop. We are willing to talk to the leaders, with those in charge, so that we can see the best solution for all.”

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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