translated from Spanish: Xóchitl Gálvez proposes to implement a video game tax

On October 17, Senator of the National Action Party (PAN) Xóchitl Gálvez presented a point of agreement with the Chamber of Deputies for the 2020 Economic Package of fiscal year to add a point where a rate of 3% is imposed on the “alienation of vi games and their consoles”,
According to the legislator, the profits from these taxes would go to municipalities that create and operate sports academies for girls, boys and adolescents, as Gálvez considers the exponential growth that the video game industry has had in Mexico over the past few years.
Thus, it dictates the PAN document:

“intends to urge the co-legislator to be legislated by adding to Section 2(I) of the Special Tax on Production and Services Act (IEPS), a (K) and the destination of expenditure to be included in the Federation’s Egres Budget which is Chamber approves the 2020 Fiscal Year, labeled exclusively so that, by Ramo 33, it is intended for municipalities for the creation of Municipal Sports Academies for Girls, Children and Adolescents”.

The truth is that if things were as they should be, it would not be a bad idea to implement this tax, as long as it truly benefits the children and adolescents of Mexico, but we already know how these Members spend our taxes.
On the other hand, the senator assumes that anyone who is gamer necessarily lives in a state of alienation, when not necessarily. Either way, we can only wait for the resolution to the initiative of Senator Xóchitl Galvez.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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