translated from Spanish: INEGI delivers San Ignacio mapping prior to 2020 Census

San Ignacio.- On yesterday, public officials of the city council received a cartography of the municipality of San Ignacio, for the previous work of the Population and Housing Census 2020.The event took place in the multi-event hall, where Fátima Canales gave to know the details of these work that will be carried out in the 300 communities that have contemplated in the 2019 census, which will be added new populations or subtract those that no longer have inhabitants and in which the areas of Catastro, Development will participate Public Works and Urban Planning, coordinated with trustees and commissioners.

Fatima Corrales Velasco, State Monitoring Link of the 2020 Census of Population and Housing, indicated that this is the first meeting and that this information must be delivered no later than November 15, so that the update is embodied and with that power census planning to be held from March 2 to 27, 2020.He made it known that in the coming days the Municipal Census Support Committee will be installed, which will be responsible for hiring the people who will carry out the surveys , where it is estimated to be around 300 in the municipality, of the nearly 4 thousand 800 that will be activated in the state.


He said this is a formal temporary job that activates the economy of municipalities by hiring people from the same communities. For his part, Mayor Iván Ernesto Báez Martínez, said that to carry out this census is very important for the city council since having updated the information, it will be easier to download projects and other supports for the communities, in addition he committed to provide all the necessary support for pollsters to do their job in the best way, providing them with safety on their journeys, as they will have to access the most remote communities in the mountainous area.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: mexico

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