translated from Spanish: Young man who reported sexual assault at police station: “The boss threatens to disconnect the cameras to kill me”

“I was outside on Monday, around two in the morning, and I was aware that we were curfew. At that moment I went out with my cousin to see what state the Santa Isabel that is on Avenida El Parque with Carlos Valdovinos in the commune of Pedro Aguirre Cerda”, so begins the story of Josué Maureira, young man who in conjunction with the INDH complained about the blows and sexual assaults he claims to have suffered at the 51st police station of Pedro Aguirre Cerda.As told to Cooperative, the young man claimed that he was arrested after trying to help a person. “A Carabinero is pointing at me with his cell phone and flashlight, because it was quite dark, he takes me and starts hitting me. I try to get my cell phone out to start recording after which the police force takes my cell phone away while another starts hitting me with the luma, combos and kicks. There comes a time when I lose consciousness and from there I have fleeting images in the police van and they kept beating me,” he said. Already inside the police station he regained consciousness. “My memories within the 51st police station of Pedro Aguirre Cerda were that: Three police officers begin to beat me, kick, lumas and frame my homosexual situation. (…) I was walking around with red painted fingernails at the time, so they started yelling at me ‘faggot’, ‘culiao faggot’ and a huge sum of insults,” he continued. With this, he said he was taken to find injuries to a place he is unaware of. “I was interviewed by a doctor who didn’t examine me, was of another nationality, dark-skinned. And finally he delivered a part that found minor injuries, even though it was later recorded that I had injury to my nose.” He was then taken back to the police station. “A person identified as the chief threatens to disconnect the cameras to kill me. Then I have no clarity where in the police station, between three Carabinieri personnel, two pull down my pants and proceed to sexually assault me with the luma.” The case is being investigated with a Specialized Human Rights Prosecutor of the Southern Prosecutor’s Office, while the young person concerned is being dealt with in Comprehensive Care of the Victims and Witnesses Unit.

Original source in Spanish


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