translated from Spanish: Greenpeace and COP25 cancellation: “It is a huge failure for the environmental demands facing the country”

As “a huge failure for the environmental demands and injustices facing the country,” Greenpeace called President Piñera’s announcement of the cancellation of COP25.
“We have missed a unique opportunity for the history of the country. It was the event that would assume the commitments and challenges of the climate emergency facing the world and especially Chile, in a decision that was taken behind closed doors and without attending to what civil organizations passed on to the government,” he said Matías Asun, national director of Greenpeace.
He added: “The announcement made by the president is even more complex if we consider that from the Civil Society for Climate Action, which brings together more than 150 organizations in Chile and of which Greenpeace in Chile is a member, we had told the government the importance for Chile to carry out the COP in a framework of security, protection of human rights and free expression”.
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Greenpeace noted that cancelling the COP cannot be synonymous with disregard for the serious climate emergency in the country. “Not doing COP25 cannot prevent discussing the very serious environmental injustices facing our country,” Asun said.
“On the contrary: the need to place environmental issues among the government’s priorities must be reinforced. President Piñera cannot be mistaken about this because these are demands that have to do with the heart of the injustice and inequalities to which thousands of Chileans have been subjected, for example, in areas of sacrifice,” said Matías Asun.
Finally, from the NGO they noted that there is international dismay at the announcement made by the Chilean government as it shows isolation precisely when the company and support of the international community is required.
“It will not be easy to overcome this failure that is approaching a real international role,” Asun concluded.

Original source in Spanish


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Etiquetas: Chile

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